Important Documents

Interim Monetary Relief List (ECF No. 221-1) – This is the list, which identifies Claimants only by Claimant ID numbers, that shows the monetary awards the Court has approved for Claimants.

Order Approving Monetary Relief List (ECF No. 225) – On July 19, 2024, the Court approved the Monetary Relief List and overruled all objections to preliminary determinations regarding monetary awards.

Final Approved Settlement Agreement (ECF No. 217) – This is the parties’ Settlement Agreement that was given final approval on September 5, 2023, and entered by the Court on September 19, 2023. 

Order Granting Approval to the Settlement Agreement (ECF No. 213) On September 5, 2023, the Court gave approval to the settlement agreement’s terms.

Order Granting Motion to Intervene (ECF No. 26) – On June 11, 2021, 14 current and former employees of the Metro Jail sought to intervene in this case and become parties.  The court granted their request in this order and the 14 employees joined the case as Plaintiff-COs.

Amended Complaint (ECF No. 58) – This document, which the United States filed on October 15, 2021, provides the bases of the United States’ lawsuit against the Mobile County Sheriff.